Tags :AlDhabaan & Partners
Eversheds Sutherland together with AlDhabaan & Partners in association with Eversheds Sutherland, advised Saudi Power Procurement Company, as the procurer and offtaker, for the Al Shuaibah 1 and Al Shuaibah 2 solar photovoltaic projects which achieved financial
Eversheds Sutherland and AlDhabaan & Partners, in association with Eversheds Sutherland, provided legal advisory services to Riyadh Bank and Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation, as senior lenders, to a consortium comprising of TotalEnergies, Toyota Tsusho and
Eversheds Sutherland has advised the Ministry of Energy and the Saudi Power Procurement Company (“SPPC”) on the successful commercial close of the 2060MW Shuaibah 2 Solar PV Project, in Al Shuaibah, Makkah province. The project,