Omar _El Sayed

Linklaters on ADES’ US$3bn upsize financing

Linklaters has advised a syndicate of lenders on a US$3bn multi-tranche, dual-currency upsize relating to an existing syndicated loan facility for ADES Holding Company (ADES).

This transaction is a strategically important development for ADES, as it demonstrates a vote of confidence in the company’s financial standing and future plans. The upsize represents a significant commitment from existing and new lenders.

Linklaters’ team

The Linklaters banking team was led by Riyadh-based partner Omar El Sayed (pictured), with support from Dubai-based associates Mona Abu ZalafHussain Ali and Nada Ramzy. The team leveraged its deep expertise in Islamic Finance which was instrumental in structuring this complex transaction.


ADES is a provider of offshore and onshore drilling services headquartered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The upsize financing is intended to provide ADES with the financial standing to capitalise on its significant growth opportunities, including investments, acquisitions and targeted organic growth.